Educational Books for Babies


Front cover of the Python Programming for Babies book

A python programmer and her husband use computer code to care for their new baby.

The Python book has its own website with python scripts available for download here: 

Front cover of the Pro-Wrestling for Babies book

A pro-wrestling fan and his wife write a baby book to introduce their son to his dad's favorite hobby: watching pro-wrestling!

Front cover of the Budgets for Babies for SATs book

In this book, Baby Arthur and his kitty, Mittens, learn how to set up a budget, manage debt, and build savings. 

The Budget book has its own website with a budget spreadsheet available for download here: 

Front cover of the Egyptology for Babies book

As baby's first book of Egyptology, this volume provides a brief overview of ancient Egypt for young audiences.

Front cover of the ABCs for SATs book

This long book is full of bedtime stories for babies and children using top SAT vocabulary words.